My name is John Westhoff. Friends call me Jeffrey for short.
Online, I like the usernames JohnBot and JohnathonNow.

I graduated from the University of Notre Dame in May of 2018, with a BS in Computer Science. Before then, I lived in Stanford Hall (pictured above). I once served as the mascot secretary for the Notre Dame Linux Users Group, and they’re the ones who started calling me Jeffrey. After graduating from Notre Dame, I spent the summer running around chanting “37-0” until the Michigan season opener1 started my PhD studies at NYU.

My research interests lie broadly in systems. I’ve been exploring whether edge computing is useful for anything besides web caching, and what software written for the edge should look like.

When I’m not writing code, I tend to my diverse hobbies. I like video games, and I play a wide variety of them when I have the time.
Recently, I’ve also taken on 3D printing, and I haven’t yet burnt down my house. Throughout quarantine, I’ve been doing a lot of woodworking, and have learned about a dozen ways not to make a cup out of wood2.

In October 2020, I married my wifey breezy.

In the summer of 2021, I moved across the country from Hadley, Massachusetts to Redding, California. At the same time, I took a leave of absence from my studies at NYU, and became a software engineer at Optum.

1Considering Notre Dame would lose to Michigan 14-45 the following year and then proceed to not play Michgian for 14 years, oof.
2I did eventually succeed in making a wooden cup - it leaks slowly, but looks great!

Leave a comment below! For issues with this website itself, please describe the problem to issues at johnwesthoff dot com.
For urgent questions or comments, shoot me an email (address provided on my GitHub profile).