A few days ago I got the same message from several friends on Facebook:


If you clicked the link, it would ask you for your facebook login. This is actually really clever, since I think a lot of people wouldn’t think twice about that, since we know Facebook does weird things with links, and having to sign in might not seem too strange.

But of course, the log in page was fake, and if you tried logging in they would hijack your account and send the same message to everyone you have ever messaged. But how did it work? Like, the preview clearly says youtube.com!

I figured it is either giving a fake social media blurb to show for the link, or it is actually forwarding to youtube.com some of the time. If it was the latter, it could be checking something about the request Facebook sends the webserver to generate the little preview - so I set up a quick experiment.

I ran nc -l 4000 on johnwesthoff.com - this listens on port 4000 and spits out the data being sent there. I then sent my chatbot a link to http://johnwesthoff.com:4000, which is a perfectly valid URL. Immediately that nc command spat this out:

GET / HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
User-Agent: facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+http://www.facebook.com/externalhit_uatext.php)
Range: bytes=0-524287
Host: johnwesthoff.com:4000
Connection: close

What stands out there is the User-Agent - it very clearly identifies that the request is coming from Facebook and not a user’s web browser - for the record, here’s what nc will say if I connect over Firefox:

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:85.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/85.0

So, what if the evil website is simply checking the User-Agent, and if it is facebookexternalhit then redirect them to youtube.com, otherwise let them carry on to our malicious website? To test that, I threw together this php file, which is also available here:

    if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'facebook') !== FALSE) {
        header('Location: https://youtube.com');
    echo 'this is a bad website, you should not be here';

Essentially, we just check if the User-Agent we are being sent has the word “facebook” in it, and if so, send them on over to YouTube, otherwise show our evil content to the user. Let’s see if it worked:

Evil deeds

So yeah, that seems to be what they did. If you click on that link, then it takes you to a very scary, very much not youtube website:

More evil deeds

From there they used a URL shortener to help hide their intent further, which again isn’t like, terribly suspicious. I’m not really sure what the best way to defend against something like this is, other than if you are ever logging into a service anywhere, you should check the URL bar and make sure it belongs to the company you are trying to log in with.

Not tagged with anything yet.
Part of a series on Goofing off.

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