For our final project for our Data Structures course, my group decided to make a GPS app that finds the path with the minimum time spent outdoors.

We wrote a python program to allow us to map our campus as an undirected graph, with vertices at the intersection of every outdoor path, and at every door of every building.
To decide paths, it uses Dijkstra’s Algorithm. To achieve our goal of deciding paths with the least time outdoors, we assign weights of 0 to all edges that connect nodes within buildings, and for each other edge the weight is the linear distance between the nodes.

The work was divided into four main parts: the dijkstra’s algorithm program, the web api, the web client, and scripts for mapping points and testing.
The client is hosted here, and while it should work on a computer, it is really meant for mobile use. (Also note it really, really won’t work if you’re not on Notre Dame’s campus.)

The client makes a request to the api, which runs the dijkstra’s program, which outputs the best path back to the api, which sends the results back to the client. The map is displayed using leaflet, which is also used for drawing the path, the chosen destination, and the user’s location.

The source is in our GitHub Repo.

We also recorded a promotional video for the project:

Tags: Projects Javascript Web Leaflet Python C++
Part of a series on School.

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