Just a place to mess around with the most current version of my AI Game.
;;;;A demo for driving a little car robot
;;define the IDs of the six wheels
(def lf (part# 3) ;the left front wheel is the third part of the robot
rf (part# 4) ;the right front wheel is the fourth
lm (part# 5) ;the left middle is the fifth
rm (part# 6) ;right middle
lb (part# 7) ;left back
rb (part# 8) ;right back
(def gs (part# 9)) ;define gyroscope
;;define two helper functions for controlling the robot like a tank
;;each take a speed in the range [-1, 1]
(def left (fun '(speed) (do (lf speed) (lm speed) (lb speed)))
right (fun '(speed) (do (rf speed) (rm speed) (rb speed))))
;;define the function that gets called every iteration of the game loop
;;it must be called run - it must take no arguments,
;;and it can alter global state
(def run (fun '() (do
;;spin fast
(left 1)
(right 1)
(log (+ "Gyro: " (gs)))