In-Browser Terrain Rendering with Godot and Terrain3D

- Projects

For a while now I’ve been wanting to create a simple social networked game. Basically just a chat room where you can explore a 3D world, in browser. Recently, since I’ve been entering game jams for fun and learning the Godot Engine, I decided to actually work towards this dream. For a start, I grabbed this super helpful starter project to learn how the high level networking feature works in Godot.

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How do I have so few posts about laptops

- Blog

Apparently it’s been a few years since I last yelled into the void about what laptop I use. Well, in that time, a lot has changed. First off, I gave my prized collection of x230 ThinkPads (and a few others) to my sisters, nieces, and nephews. Apparently they’re all broken at this point and I’m not allowed to have them back for repairs. Because of this, I got myself an x250, which was my main laptop for about two years before I gave it to my mother-in-law.

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July 2022 Update

- Blog

I haven’t really worked on anything I felt was worth posting here, but I really don’t want to have gone an entire half year with no blog post. So, I figured I’d do a write-up of everything I have done since I last posted, mostly with the intent of it being a reminder that I actually did stuff.

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